Why the 1000km ride

Last year my father in law, John, passed away from Cancer. He had three types of cancer over an 8 year period and fought hard every step of the way and did not complain once. 
During that time I saw what cancer could do to an otherwise fit and strong human being and it was not nice to witness. But I also witnessed the courage of all the other cancer patients which was very inspiring. 
In John's last few days, I promised him that I would raise money in his honour so here we are, raising money by cycling from Phillip Island, VIC to Wollongong, NSW

1,000kms in 8 days. 

All the money raised is going via the Illawarra Cancer Carers organisation to the Port Kembla Palliative Unit which is where John sadly passed away.

Your kindness and the thought of John will be with us every turn of the pedals.
